FLAXi - Hot & Cold Headache Compress Flaxseed Bag
FLAXi - Hot & Cold Headache Compress Flaxseed Bag
FLAXi - Hot & Cold Headache Compress Flaxseed Bag
FLAXi - Hot & Cold Headache Compress Flaxseed Bag

FLAXi - Hot & Cold Headache Compress Flaxseed Bag

Regular price
R 145.00
Sale price
R 145.00

Flaxi Hot & Cold Headache Compress: Natural Relief for Headaches

Experience natural headache relief with Flaxi Hot/Cold Headache Compress. This versatile compress provides effective pain relief by applying hot or cold therapy to the temples or headache area. Tailored to different headache types, migraines respond well to cold therapy, while tension headaches find relief with warmth.

Our Flaxi Headache Compress offers a threefold approach to relieving headaches. The temperature variation combined with the gentle pressure from the flaxseed filling and the soothing aromatherapeutic oil blend create a comprehensive solution.

How It Works:
- Hot Compress: Increases blood flow, expedites healing, and relieves muscle tension in the face, neck, and jaw.
- Cold Compress: Slows blood flow, reduces inflammation, and decreases nerve conduction, effectively alleviating headache pain.
- Aromatherapeutic Oils: Inhaling the powerful essential oil blend triggers positive healing responses in the brain, providing pain reduction, anti-inflammatory effects, and promoting relaxation.

To use the Flaxi Headache Compress:
Hot Compress: Heat the compress in the microwave in short intervals until warm. Apply it to the back of the neck or forehead to relax the affected muscles and relieve your headache.
Cold Compress: Place the compress in the freezer inside a sealed bag until cold. Apply it to the forehead, temples, or the affected area for cooling relief.

Proper care ensures the longevity of your Flaxi Headache Compress. Over time, the fragrance may fade, but you can revive it using FLAXI HEADACHE MIST or adding a few drops of pure Peppermint essential oil to the fabric. Avoid washing or immersing the compress in water; instead, gently cleanse the exterior with a damp sponge. For storage, keep the compress in an airtight container or sealed bag after it has cooled, preserving its delightful fragrance.

Please note the following precautions: Avoid using the compress during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not overheat the compress in the microwave, as it may scorch. If you detect a burning smell, allow it to cool and dispose of it properly. If you have any serious medical conditions or concerns about essential oil therapy, consult your doctor before use.

Discover the soothing relief of Flaxi Hot/Cold Headache Compress. Order now and experience the natural way to ease your headaches.